Results for 'Cornelius N. Grove'

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  1.  10
    The Aptitude Myth: How an Ancient Belief Came to Undermine Children’s Learning Today.Cornelius N. Grove - 2013 - R&L Education.
    The Aptitude Myth addresses the decline in American children’s mastery of critical school subjects. It contends that a contributing cause for this decline derives from many Americans’ ways of thinking about children’s learning: They believe that school performance is determined very largely by innate aptitude.
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    Values and Educational Growth.Columbus N. Ogbujah, Cornelius C. Amadi & Charles B. Berebon - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):159-171.
    Values---the individual’s or group’s general tastes regarding results or courses of actions deemed appropriate or otherwise, have a synergetic relationship with educational growth. Ordinarily, the values espoused by individuals or groups engender specific types of attitudes that elicit precise sorts of behaviours that open the horizon for definite sorts of educational growth. Conversely, the quality and quantity of educational growth of a nation influence the behaviours of the citizens which generate attitudes that ultimately create values. This rectangular-like bidirectional correlation has (...)
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    'n Fundamenteel-pedagogiese besinning oor aanspreek en aanhoor as pedagogiese synswyses, deur C.J.G. Kilian.Cornelius Johannes Gysbertus Kilian - 1970 - [Pretoria]: Universiteit van Pretoria, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Werkgemeenskap ter bevordering van die Pedagogiek as Wetenskap.
  4. Hoi homilies stēn Hellada.Cornelius Castoriadis - 1990 - Athēna: Hypsilon/Vivlia.
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    Die Religieuse gevoel by N. P. van Wyk Louw.A. P. Grové - 1946 - HTS Theological Studies 3 (3/4).
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  6. Asymptotic conditional probabilities: The non-unary case.Adam J. Grove, Joseph Y. Halpern & Daphne Koller - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):250-276.
    Motivated by problems that arise in computing degrees of belief, we consider the problem of computing asymptotic conditional probabilities for first-order sentences. Given first-order sentences φ and θ, we consider the structures with domain {1,..., N} that satisfy θ, and compute the fraction of them in which φ is true. We then consider what happens to this fraction as N gets large. This extends the work on 0-1 laws that considers the limiting probability of first-order sentences, by considering asymptotic conditional (...)
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  7. Moderne rechtsvormingstheorieën..Johannes Cornelius Coebergh - 1932 - Utrecht,: Kemink en zoon n. v..
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    (1 other version)Work in Progress Cornelius Tacitus: Annalen. Erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Erich Koestkrmann. Band ii: Buch 4–6. Pp. 370. Heidelberg: Winter, 1965. Paper, DM. 44. [REVIEW]N. P. Miller - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):345-347.
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    Introducing and Testing the Creepiness of Situation Scale (CRoSS).Markus Langer & Cornelius J. König - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    When people interact with novel technologies (e.g., robots, novel technological tools), the word “creepy” regularly pops up. We define creepy situations as ambiguous situations involving uneasy feelings as eliciting uneasy feelings and involving ambiguity (e.g., on how the behave or how to judge the situation). A common metric for creepiness would help evaluating creepiness of situations and developing adequate interventions against creepiness. Following psychometrical guidelines, we developed the Creepiness of Situation Scale (CRoSS) across four studies with a total of N (...)
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    The Effect of Completing a Surrogacy Information and Decision-Making Tool upon Admission to an Intensive Care Unit on Length of Stay and Charges.Carol W. Hatler, Charlene Grove, Stephanie Strickland, Starr Barron & Bruce D. White - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):129-138.
    Background and PurposeMany critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs) are unable to communicate their wishes about goals of care, particularly about the use of life-sustaining treatments. Surrogates and clinicians struggle with medical decisions because of a lack of clarity regarding patients’ preferences, leading to prolonged hospitalizations and increased costs. This project focused on the development and implementation of a tool to facilitate a better communication process by (1) assuring the early identification of a surrogate if indicated on admission (...)
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    Tacitus Re-Edited Cornelius Tacitus: Annalen, erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Erich Koestermann. Band I. Buch 1–3. Pp. 567. Heidelberg: Winter, 1963. Paper, DM. 52. [REVIEW]N. P. Miller - 1964 - The Classical Review 14 (03):290-292.
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    No Man's Land - Cornelius Tacitus: Annalen. Erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Erich Koestermann. Band iii . Pp. 349. Heidelberg: Winter, 1967. Cloth, DM.48. [REVIEW]N. P. Miller - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (1):60-61.
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    William Robert Grove, the Correlation of Forces, and the Conservation of Energy.G. N. Cantor - 1975 - Centaurus 19 (4):273-290.
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    “andrew Marvell: Upon The Hill And Grove At Bill-borow And Musicks Empire,”.A. J. N. Wilson - 1969 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 51 (2):453.
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    Tidying up Tacitus K. Wellesley: Cornelius Tacitus, 1.2: Annales XI–XVI. (Bibl. Teubneriana.) Pp. i–xxi + 202. Leipzig: Teubner, 1986. 45 M. [REVIEW]N. P. Miller - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (02):261-262.
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    Three Notes on Appian.M. N. Tod - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (2):99-104.
    These words occur in Appian's account of the riot which led to the death of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus in 133 B.C. The tribunician elections had been adjourned from the previous day, and Gracchus, who irregularly sought re-election, had with his supporters taken possession of the temple of Jupiter on the Capitol. The assembly broke up in disorder amid wild rumours that Gracchus had deposed all his colleagues or had declared himself tribune for the following year without election or had actually (...)
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    Ariobarzanes, Mithridates, and Sulla.A. N. Sherwin-White - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):173-.
    The widely accepted redating of the praetorship and propraetorship of Cornelius Sulla from the conventional years 93–92 to the years 97–96 B.C., proposed by E. Badian in an ingenious paper, involved the rearrangement of the story of the Cappadocian succession between c. 101 B.C. and 90 B.C. Badian proposed a much simpler reconstruction of the events recorded in the summary narratives of Justin, Appian, and Plutarch, than the version established by Th. Reinach which has hitherto held the field.
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  18. Cornelius Castoriadis : la institución imaginaria de la democracia directa.María E. Cisneros - 2015 - In O. Astorga (ed.), La democracia radical. [Caracas]: La Hoja del Norte.
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    Cornelius Anton Bos: Interpretatie, underschap en datering van de Alcibiades Maior. (Amsterdam diss.) Pp. 120. Culemborg, Netherlands: Tjeenk Willink-Noorduijn N.V., 1970. Paper. [REVIEW]Pamela M. Huby - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (2):271-271.
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    Cornelius C. Vermeule: The Dal Pozzo-Albani Drawings of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. vol. 50, part 5.) Pp. 78; 103 figs. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1960. Paper, $2.00. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):313-.
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    Politische und literarische Poetologie(n) des Imaginären: zum Potenzial der (Selbst- )Veränderungskräfte bei Cornelius Castoriadis und Alfred Döblin.Johannes Rauwald - 2013 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Cornelius Castoriadis et Claude Lefort: l'expérience démocratique.Nicolas Poirier (ed.) - 2015 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Si, aujourd'hui, la démocratie fait, encore et toujours, question, peu d'oeuvres comparables à celles de Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) et de Claude Lefort (1924-2010) permettent de circonscrire avec plus de profondeur et de radicalité ce questionnement. Sous les regards de la philosophie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire et de la science politique, cet ouvrage propose d'interroger le travail de réflexion entrepris par ces deux grandes figures de la philosophie politique contemporaine à la fois en commun, dans le cadre de Socialisme (...)
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  23. Grove Karl Gilbert and the concept of “hypothesis” in late nineteenth-century geology.David B. Kitts - 1973 - In Ronald N. Giere & Richard S. Westfall (eds.), Foundations of Scientific Method: The Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald N. Giere and Richard S. Westfall. --. Bloomington,: Indiana University Press. pp. 259--274.
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    Cornelius Castoriadis o la sociedad autónoma.Daniel H. Cabrera - 2012 - In Aragüés Estragués, Juan Manuel, López de Lizaga & José Luis (eds.), Perspectivas: una aproximación al pensamiento ético y político contemporáneo. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 211--115.
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    La politique et l'histoire dans la philosophie française face au socialisme réel dans l'après-guerre: Jean-Paul Sartre, Cornelius Castoriadis et Claude Lefort.Sergueï Gachkov - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Parmi les courants de pensée française de l'après-guerre, le marxisme joua un rôle très important, en imposant les thèmes par rapport auxquels les philosophes se situèrent. Les débats sur le marxisme ne sont pas séparables de l'existence du pays qui prétendait le réaliser dans toutes les sphères de sa vie. La politique comme une action collective en vue de la transformation de la société par les débats et par l'émancipation n'a pas été développée, ni dans les pays qu'on disait socialistes, (...)
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    Samilerin (Laponların) Kimlikleri ve Kültürleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Mehmet Mustafa Erkal - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:1-24.
    Avrupa kıtasının en kuzeyinde, Laponya olarak adlandırılan bölgede yaşayan Samiler, dil yönünden Ural-Altay dil grubunun Ural kolunda sınıflandırılmaktadır. Çok eski dönemlerde Laponya bölgesine çeşitli sebeplerle göç ettikleri öne sürülen Samiler, Ren geyiği yetiştiriciliği, balıkçılık gibi konularda oldukça yetenekli olarak nitelendirilmektelerdir. Doğaya derinden bağlı olan geleneksel yaşam tarzları, aşırı iklimlerde hayatta kalmaları için gerekli olan ren geyiklerinin göç düzenlerini takip etmeyi içerir. Tarih boyunca avcılık, balıkçılık ve ticaretle uğraşan Samiler, bulundukları coğrafyaya mesafe açısından oldukça uzak olan İstanbul’a kadar kürk ve fildişi (...)
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    Catullus 1.5–7.B. J. Gibson - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):569-.
    n this note I wish to reopen discussion of the role of Cornelius Nepos in Catullus' dedicatory poem. The Callimachean features of Catullus' assessment of his own work have been well documented. However I believe that, since this is a poem where Catullus evaluates not only his own work, but also that of Nepos, a closer examination of the latter is called for.
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    New Periodical Articles by Russell.Kenneth Blackwell - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 34 (2):131-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 34 (winter 2014–15): 131–4 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036–01631; online 1913–8032 c:\users\ken\documents\type3402\rj 3402 050 red.docx 2015-02-04 9:19 PM _ibliography NEW PERIODICAL ARTICLES BY RUSSELL Kenneth Blackwell here are 35 new C entries since 1993 for A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell, and more for all Parts of Vol. 2. With many thanks to several readers. C15.18a [RECONSTRUCTION OF (...)
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    A Virgilian Crux: Aeneid 8.342-43.Neil Adkin - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (4):527-531.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.4 (2001) 527-531 [Access article in PDF] A Virgilian Crux: Aeneid 8.342-43 Neil Adkin When Evander conducts Aeneas around the future site of Rome, the objects of interest he points out to his guest include the following: "hinc lucum ingentem, quem Romulus acer asylum / rettulit, et gelida monstrat sub rupe Lupercal" (8.342-43). John Conington (1883, 119) complained that rettulit had "not been satisfactorily explained." (...)
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    A Few Canonic Variations.Joseph Kerman - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (1):107-125.
    Since the idea of a canon seems so closely bound up with the idea of history, there should be something to be learned from the persistent efforts that have been going on for nearly two hundred years to extend the musical repertory back in time. What is involved here is nothing less than a continuous effort to endow music with a history. From the workings of this process in the nineteenth century, we learn that where the ideology is right the (...)
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  31. Authority, Illocutionary Accommodation, and Social Accommodation.N. P. Adams - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):560-573.
    By appeal to the phenomenon of presupposition accommodation, Rae Langton and others have proposed that speakers can gain genuine authority over their audiences when they implicitly claim such autho...
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    (1 other version)Is every truth knowable? Reply to hand and Kvanvig.N. Tennant - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (1):107 – 113.
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    Yuhak kwaŭi tchalbŭn mannam.To-wŏn Chŏng - 2009 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Munsach'ŏl.
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  34. La Ilustración y sus enemigos.Ramón Soriano - 1988 - Madrid: Fundación Cultural Enrique Luño Peña.
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  35. Li Shih-tsʻên lun wên chi.Shih-tsʻên Li - 1927
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    Bare Statistical Evidence and the Right to Security.N. P. Adams - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (2).
    Courts and jurors sometimes refuse to assign liability to defendants on the basis of statistics alone, despite their apparent reliability. I argue that this refusal is best understood as a recognition of defendants’ right to security. Understood as a robust good in Philip Pettit’s sense, security requires that someone risking harm to others’ protected interests adopt a disposition of concern that controls against wrongfully harming them. Since trials risk harm, the state must adopt such a disposition. Statistics leave open the (...)
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  37. Universidad de Defensa de Noruega, Noruega. Cooperación y relación entre el derecho y la ética en las Fuerzas Armadas de Noruega.Capitán de Fragata Jacob Thomas Staib - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando (eds.), Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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  38. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Apocalyptic theodicy. Contributions for a sociodicea.César O. Carbullanca N. - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:195-223.
    Resumen A partir de la formulación weberiana de teodicea, esta pesquisa sostendrá la centralidad de la cuestión de la teodicea para la religión. No obstante, la definición weberiana de teodicea presenta problemas para su aplicación a textos de la antigüedad, pues, a juicio de Sarot, la teodicea sería un fenómeno moderno que marcaría una nueva manera de pensar sobre el mal. A partir de lo cual, el artículo pasa revista a diversas teodiceas mostrando la variedad de respuestas, colocando en evidencia (...)
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    The Philosophy of Physical Realism. Roy Wood Sellars.A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (2):270-272.
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    The Koreans and Their Culture.Evelyn B. McCune & Cornelius Osgood - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (4):284.
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  42. La exposición de la tarea de un análisis preparatorio del "dasein".Ramón Rodríguez - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Forsking og menneskerettar.Jakob Lothe (ed.) - 2017 - Oslo: Novus.
    Korleis kan forsking fremje menneskerettane? Og korleis oppfattar forskarar frå forskjellige fag og disiplinar menneskerettar innanfor si forsking? Kapitla i denne boka er skrivne av 14 forskarar som represen.terer varierande fagtradisjonar og forskingsmetodar. Dei viser at menneske.rettsspørsmål er aktuelle som aldri før, og inspirerer forskarar i eit breitt spekter av fag. Sjølv om menneskerettane tar ulik form i ulike fag, viser boka at dei er viktige også i fag der dei er mindre synlege. Forskarane som skriv i denne boka, konsentrerer (...)
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    A Chapter In The History of Scholia.N. G. Wilson - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):244-256.
    The question to be discussed in this paper can be put in simple terms: at what date were the collections of scholia on classical Greek authors compiled? Scholars have given two conflicting answers. The first was put forward by J. W. White in his edition of the scholia to Aristophanes' Birds. Developing an opinion of Dindorf, he suggested that the archetype of the scholia was a large parchment codex of the fourth or fifth century, which contained in the margins a (...)
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  45. Chʻŏrhak taesajŏn.Yŏng-sŏn Kang & Sa Hagwŏn (eds.) - 1976
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    Faulkner's Novels Past and Present.Andrew J. McKenna - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):39-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Faulkner's Novels Past and PresentAndrew J. McKenna (bio)This article contains instances of the N-word. The Editor, Michigan State University Press, and Michigan State University do not condone the use of this word and only after careful consideration have we reprinted it. In this case, the word appears in the context of works by Faulkner.When I first came East I kept thinking You've got to remember to think of some (...)
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    Castoriadis: une vie.François Dosse - 2014 - Paris: La Découverte.
    Ce livre est la première biographie consacrée à l'une des plus grandes figures intellectuelles et politiques du XXe siècle : Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). Jeune résistant grec révolutionnaire menacé de mort par les staliniens, il arrive en France à l'âge de vingt-trois ans, alors que l'engouement pour l'URSS est à son zénith. Il contribue alors à créer, avec Claude Lefort et Jean-François Lyotard, l'une des branches les plus vivaces de la gauche radicale, « Socialisme ou Barbarie », qui deviendra ensuite (...)
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  48. Faylasūfān rāʼidān, al-Kindī wa-al-Fārābī.Jaʻfar Āl Yāsīn - 1980 - Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-Andalus lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  49. (1 other version)Āzādī-i fard va qudrat-i dawlat: baḥs̲ dar ʻaqāyid-i siyāsī va ijtimāʻī-i Hābz, Lāk, Istūārt Mīl: bā tarjumah-ʼi guzīdahʹī az nivishtahʹhā-yi ānān.Saxe Commins, Robert N. Linscott, Maḥmūd Ṣināʻī & John Stuart Mill (eds.) - 1959 - Tihrān: Bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Firānkilīn.
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  50. Conocimiento científico y acción social: crítica epistemológica a la concepción de ciencia en Max Weber.Manuel Gil Antón - 1997 - Barcelona, España: Gedisa.
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